Author: Claudia Gray
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult
Release Date: 09/13/11
Reviewed by: Sara
But the Book:
Eighteen-year-old maid Tess Davies is determined to escape the wealthy, troubled family she serves. It’s 1912, and Tess has been trapped in the employ of the Lisles for years, amid painful memories and twisted secrets. But now the Lisle family is headed to America, with Tess in tow. Once the ship they’re sailing on -- the RMS Titanic -- reaches its destination, Tess plans to strike out and create a new life for herself.
Her single-minded focus shatters when she meets Alec, a handsome first-class passenger who captivates her instantly. But Alec has secrets of his own. He’s in a hurry to leave Europe, and whispers aboard the ship say it’s because of the tragic end of his last affair with the French actress who died so gruesomely and so mysteriously...
Soon Tess will learn just how dark Alec’s past truly is. The danger they face is no ordinary enemy: werewolves exist and are stalking him -- and now her, too. Her growing love for Alec will put Tess in mortal peril, and fate will do the same before their journey on the Titanic is over.
In Fateful, New York Times bestselling author Claudia Gray delivers paranormal adventure, dark suspense, and alluring romance set against the opulent backdrop of the Titanic’s first -- and last -- voyage.
Plot: 4 Stars
From the moment I heard the phrase "werewolves on the Titanic" I knew I had to read this novel. Werewolves are my favorite paranormal creature, and I was very interested to see how the author fit them into everything we know about the Titanic and its tragedy. The amount of details would've been tedious in any other novel, but it was definitely needed to help shape this huge ship in your imagination. You can really tell that the author did her research, and it led to a great story. It was also refreshing to read a historical novel that I really enjoyed. This was definitely the best blend of historical and paranormal I have ever read.
Pace: 3.5 Stars
The pace of this novel felt a little slow at some points, but I believe that is due to a large plot point not being a surprise due to the author's choice of setting. Although the day to day life of the characters kept me engaged and wondering what would happen next, there was a part of my brain that was waiting for the ship to hit the iceberg and start sinking. Tess's job and actions seemed a bit redundant at times, although the amount of research the author put into the novel came through and definitely made the characters come to life. For all of the waiting involved as the story unfolded, the events after the iceberg really took me by surprise. I knew that the Titanic was going to hit the iceberg, but I hadn't really thought about what would happen to the characters after the crisis, so the ending of this novel had a few twists I really enjoyed.
Characters: 4 Stars
Tess was a lovely character with big dreams. She was both very mature for her age, and a bit naive at times. She dealt with the Lisles and they're attitudes quite well, and I was very glad that the Lisle's daughter, Irene, was kind to her. I feel like her character wouldn't have been believable if everyone in the family treated her like dirt. Alec was a very troubled young man who was trying to keep a very big secret while aboard the Titanic. He was also very strong in his refusal to join the brotherhood of werewolves due to their cruelty. Although Alec and Tess shouldn't have had the chance to socialize, unforseen circumstances brought them together and I really enjoyed watching their relationship grow.
Cover: 4 Stars
The simplicity of this cover is what draws the eye. I'm so glad they only included Tess, and that she is facing away from the reader. The cover could've easily been too busy or corny if too many characters were included, or worse, an image of the Titanic. My favorite detail is the cover model standing in water up to her knees. Although the cover isn't depicting a particular scene from the novel, it has a sense of despair and hopelessness that really fits given what we already know about the Titanic. The use of only blues also adds to that mood without being too overwhelming. Normally, I don't like really embellished fonts for titles, but the wave details details in this particular font hit the mark.
Overall: 4 Stars
Disclosure: I received an ARC of this novel from Anna @ Anna's Book Blog through the Random Acts of Kindness program started by the Book Soulmates.
Nice review! I loved this one as well! Pretty much for the same reasons, Titanic and werewolves! What's not to love!