Author: Nancy Holzner
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Release Date: 12/28/10
A demon is stalking Vicky's dreams-just as several of Deadtown's zombies are viciously attacked and become really dead. And when Vicky realizes she is the only connection between the victims, she suspects that the demon is somehow working through her dreams to become Deadtown's living nightmare.
Plot: 5 Stars
I love, love, love the world that the author has created. From the non-traditional zombies to the different kinds of demons, it's all very unique and creative. I also enjoy the politics surrounding PAs, or Paranormal Americans. Their fight for civil rights really rings true to me, because in a way it's a lot like what the LGBT community is fighting for right now. It almost brings a personal aspect to the novel for me, the way I relate so well to these Paranormal Americans that just want to be treated fairly. But back to the novel at hand... It was amazing for me to read this novel with so many strings of different plot elements blowing in the wind, and then watch all of these seemingly random events wrap up together so succinctly in the end.
Pace: 4 Stars
The first third of this novel flew by. One event after another had Victory going in every direction. But the second third sputtered for a minute. While Victory was in Wales, studying and practicing with Mab, there were times were it got a touch repetitive. There was just a tiny bit too much reading from The Book of Utter Darkness, a tiny bit too much learning to control Hellforged (the athame). It just needed a bit more action packed into it. But the final third of the book kicks off with a punch (or glitch) while they're flying back to Boston and it doesn't let go until the end. It was a race to the end, full of twist and turns and more questions.
Characters: 4 Stars
As much as I loved the plot of this novel, I wish more of the events could've taken place in Boston. Victory spends so much time in Wales, that many characters don't get nearly enough face time. I really, really missed Tina throughout this book. As much as she can annoy me at times, I still find her character hilarious, and would've liked to witness a bit more of her rise to stardom. Although Kane was around a bit more than I thought he would be, I still want to know more about him. It was great to see more of Mab, and to get to visit her in Wales. And I can't wait for the next novel, because I really want to know what's going on with Juliet.
Cover: 5 Stars
Again. I will say it again. Two words: Flaming sword. Although Victory never uses the flaming sword in this novel, it still exists, therefore it is welcome on the covers. So many of the details on the cover are 100% to the story, and it amazes me. The athame on her thigh, the crows in the sky, the slate headstones... Even the cover model's haircut. It's not very often such accuracy happens. The color palette for this novel is very eye-catching, although after reading I would've expected something darker considering the darkness surrounding the morfran and the book. But my favorite part is the celtic-like design behind the title.
Overall: 4.5 Stars
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher via the author.
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