The month of May is a record for me. My total for the month is 12, which I'm pretty sure is the most I've read in a month since graduation. I had a wide variety of rating this month, including two 5 Stars (which is another first) and two DNFs. I read only two Urban Fantasies, two Paranormal Romances, one graphic novel, two Dystopian Young Adults, and five Paranormal Young Adults. I know this month was very heavy in YAs, but I was sent a couple for review and I got a bunch from the library. I've been trying to read a little more evenly between the genres, but I never really notice until I do these posts.
May: 12
Hounded by Kevin Hearne 5 Stars
Kind by Holly Black 3.5 Stars
Delirium by Lauren Oliver 1.5 Stars
Mercy by Rebecca Lim 4.5 Stars
Demons are a Girl's Best Friend by Linda Wisdom 3 Stars
Divergent by Veronica Roth 4.5 Stars
Faefever by Karen Marie Moning 3.5 Stars review coming soon
Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler 3 Stars review coming soon
Hard Magic by Laura Anne Gilman DNF
Betrayal by Lee Nichols 3.5 Stars review coming soon
Spells by Aprilynne Pike 5 Stars review coming soon
Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell DNF
So what did everyone else read in May?
Current Giveaways
Review + Giveaway: Sealed with a Curse by Cecy Robson (ends 01/21)
Enter to win an ARC of Sealed with a Curse.
Please Note: New Holiday Review Policy! (extended indefinitely)
Enter to win an ARC of Sealed with a Curse.
Please Note: New Holiday Review Policy! (extended indefinitely)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Review: Divergent by Veronica Roth

Author: Veronica Roth
Genre: Dystopian Young Adult
Release Date: 05/03/11
Buy the Book:
In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue -- Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is -- she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.
During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles to determine who her friends really are -- and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes infuriating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers a growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves... or it might destroy her.
Debut author Veronica Roth bursts onto the literary scene with the first book in the Divergent series -- dystopian thrillers filled with electrifying decisions, heartbreaking betrayals, stunning consequences, and unexpected romance.
Plot: 4 Stars
The idea of the five factions was a very interesting take on the dystopian genre of Young Adult. I admit that I haven't read that many dystopian novels, but the idea of classifying all people into one of the five virtues was very interesting. The interactions between the factions, and learning which ones got along and which ones did not, were very interesting and helped when describing the different factions. The technology used within this novel was one of my favorite parts. I enjoyed the simulations that were used both to help the teenagers choose a faction and for training. It also played a pivotal role in the conflict at the end of the novel that caught me completely by surprise. There were a few hints here and there throughout the novel, but I was still surprised by the turn that the novel took and really look forward to the next installment. My one tiny criticism is that I wanted more information about what happened in the past that shaped society into these five factions. I also wondered if the whole country followed these ideals, or just Chicago. Hopefully the next novel will include more history to help round out the series.
Pace: 4.5 Stars
For such a large novel, it blew by so quickly. I actually stayed up past one a.m. the night before we left for Memphis (and had to get up at five a.m.) because I had to finish it right then. This novel grabbed me right from the start and didn't let go. The author had a way of giving just enough detail or a small hint of something to come that left me unable to put the book down. I kept telling myself "one more chapter" instead of going to sleep or making dinner. It's been a while since I've had to force myself to put down a book in order to feed myself or sleep. And I chose not to read on my breaks at work so that I wouldn't lose track of time and forget to clock back in. There was never a dull moment as Tris and her fellow initiates dove headfirst into their future.
Characters: 4.5 Stars
One of the best parts of this novel was the great cast of characters. There was a large number of characters, and we get to know each and every one. There are transfer initiates, the non-transfer initiates, trainers, and family members. But each of these characters we meet along the way feel very real. Although we really get to know a large number of characters, there is never too much information given at one time. We get to know these characters as the story progresses. Tris was an awesome main character. She was strong and brave, but still vulnerable, and all around likeable. Christina was also a great character, although she did occasionally talk down to Tris due to her small stature. There was also a group of initiates that were enemies to Tris' group, and they were pretty evil for sixteen year olds. The trainers were complete opposites, so you never knew how their training was going to go. Four was my favorite character, even if he was a bit too mysterious at times. I liked that he was tough on the intiates without being a jerk. I wish we could've learned more about Tris' family, but there's always future novels.
Cover: 4.5 Stars
Normally, cover similiar to this one don't really do much for me, but the boldness of this particular cover continues to draw my eye in (which is obviously the point). The title is very large and very bold, and the font choice really fits the society we are introduced to within the novel. The symbol in flames on the cover immediately drew my eye, and I wanted to know what it stood for. I won't give it away, but I will say that we do learn the meaning for both the title and the symbol. The cityscape at the bottom of the cover, when mixed with the title and symbol, help convey that this is a dystopian novel. The sky blue of the cover is a great color, but the royal blue of the actual book once the jacket is removed was a nice surprise. I assumed it would be black. The symbol is also on the actual book, which is a nice touch. While it would've been nice to see Tris on the cover, including the model probably would've muddled the cover a bit.
Overall: 4.5 Stars
Disclosure: I received a copy of this novel from the publisher through Authors on the Web.
Memphis Vacation: Part 2
This is the post in which I'll share my favorite pictures from the zoo. We had pretty good luck when we went to the zoo. It looked like it was going to rain all day, but the storm held off until after we left. It was still pretty humid, but not nearly as bad as what I deal with almost every day down here in Florida. But anyway, we saw all of the animals, except for the monkeys and the petting zoo (we skipped those on purpose). My favorite were the big cats, the bat house, and the PANDAS! The only animals we wanted to see but couldn't (because the exhibit was closed) were the grizzly bears.
There were all sorts of big cats. We got to see lions, tigers, cheetahs, jaguars, leopard, ocelots, cervils, and pumas.

This is one of the cheetahs drinking. The other one was pacing and glaring at everyone. I don't think she was very happy to have an audience.

The tigers were passed out. It was hilarious because they were lounging around like house cats.

For some reason, the capybaras were housed with the big cats even though they're the world's largest rodent. I was confused by this, but still excited for the capybaras.

We got up close and personal with the lazy wolves. It was cool that they curled up in the little alcove so close to the walkway.

I love otters, so I really enjoyed this pile of otters.

This panda was passed out when we got here. I don't know if it was Le-Le or Ya-Ya, but he was adorable. And as soon as the bamboo was thrown in, he started chowing down.

This is the other panda, who chowed down with equal enthusiasm.

And I don't remember which of the two pandas this one was, but either way, totally adorable.
There were all sorts of big cats. We got to see lions, tigers, cheetahs, jaguars, leopard, ocelots, cervils, and pumas.

This is one of the cheetahs drinking. The other one was pacing and glaring at everyone. I don't think she was very happy to have an audience.

The tigers were passed out. It was hilarious because they were lounging around like house cats.

For some reason, the capybaras were housed with the big cats even though they're the world's largest rodent. I was confused by this, but still excited for the capybaras.

We got up close and personal with the lazy wolves. It was cool that they curled up in the little alcove so close to the walkway.

I love otters, so I really enjoyed this pile of otters.

This panda was passed out when we got here. I don't know if it was Le-Le or Ya-Ya, but he was adorable. And as soon as the bamboo was thrown in, he started chowing down.

This is the other panda, who chowed down with equal enthusiasm.

And I don't remember which of the two pandas this one was, but either way, totally adorable.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Review: Demons are a Girl's Best Friend by Linda Wisdom

Author: Linda Wisdom
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: 04/01/11
But the Book:
A bewitching woman on a mission...
Feisty witch Maggie enjoys her work as a paranormal law enforcement officer -- that is, until she's assigned to protect a teenager with major attitude and plenty of Mayan enemies. Maggie's never going to survive this assignment without the help of a half-fire demon who makes her smolder...
A hotter-than-sin hero with an agenda...
Declan is proprietor of an underground club and busy demon portal. No way he'll allow his demon race to be blamed for the malicious acts of some crazy evil Mayans. But he's already got his hands full when the sexy witch offers him a challenge he can't refuse...
Plot: 3 Stars
This novel was one of those that suffers from the blurb on the back of the book not matching so well with the actual story that is read. Sure, everything mentioned actually happens, but there was a point where I wondered if they had put the wrong blurb on the back. The Mayan plotline wasn't nearly as involved as I thought it was going to be, which was a bit disappointing because it was one of the main reasons I picked the novel up. Basically, the blurb leads you to believe that the majority of the book is going to be the described events, when in reality these events didn't really start taking place until about halfway through the novel. The first half of the novel was a lot of set up between the characters, plus a number of scenes that played a large part in the plot and probably should've been mentioned in the blurb. By the time I finished, I really had enjoyed the novel. I just couldn't get over how long I was sitting there reading, wondering when the Mayans and teenagers would come into play. Outside of this fact, the author wove a great world where numerous paranormal creatures interact. And I always love paranormal law enforcement agencies. They tend to happen more in Urban Fantasy, so it was great to see one highlighted in a Paranormal Romance.
Pace: 2.5 Stars
Along with the strange blurb leaving me wondering for a while, the first half of the novel was a bit slow. I'm sure a part of it has to do with waiting around for certain plot elements that were promised. But I think a larger part was due to the amount of information the author shared about the world, the characters, and the law enforcement agency. Some of these details that were given to us right up front, could've been spread throughout the novel a little more. It seemed like the author wanted to make sure we had all of the information in the first half, so that the second half could focus more on the action. But the beginning ended up a bit muddled with a lot of long descriptions. Once the plot really took a turn in the direction that the blurb promised, the pace picked up and it was a race to the end.
Characters: 3 Stars
Maggie was one kick ass chick! I actually wondered at time if this novel would have a happily ever after (since it's a romance) because she was such a strong independant woman. Her powers were also very interesting. I've read many novels that included witches, but this was my first where all of the spells are little rhymes or phrases that are made up on the spot. They were silly without being cutesy, perfect for Maggie. I didn't really care for Declan at first because I had trouble connecting with his character, but he grew on me as the book continued. I wish we could've learned more about his powers as a fire demon. He rarely used them. The teenager they were tasked to watch wasn't as rambunctions and rebellious as I expected from the blurb, but I really enjoyed that plotline and her character, so I'm glad she was more toned down. The smaller characters that Maggie worked with were a wide variety of creatures, and I hope we learn more about them in future books.
Cover: 3 Stars
I'm not the biggest fan of the outfit worn by the cover model, but it is described in the novel, so I like that the cover artist picked up that detail. I also liked the bar detail in the background. The cover model's pose is great. It really gives her a kick ass vibe. And I love that she's looking away from the reader. It allowed me to picture Maggie how I wanted, and hinted at a bit of mystery. The model chosen for Declan was not how I pictured him at all though. My favorite part of the cover is the title placement and font choice. A long title like this could've easily taken over the cover with the wrong font, but this title stands out without detracting from the cover itself. My one problem with this cover is that I've seen it before, from the same publisher no less. One month early, on March 1st, Sourcebooks released Taste Me by Tamara Hogan, and the covers are eerily similar. It looks like another image taken from the same photoshoot, with small details such as hair color digitally changed. I can totally understand using multiple images from the same photoshoot for multiple books in a series, or years later with more drastic changes. But to use such similar images two months in a row just bugs me a little.

Overall: 3 Stars
Disclosure: I borrowed this novel from the local library.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Memphis Vacation: Part 1
Normally, I wouldn't post about a vacation or something else in my personal life because I like to keep a lot of that separate from this blog. But I found the coolest bookstore while shopping with my Grandma in Memphis. It's called the Booksellers of Laurelwood. As far as I could tell, this bookstore is locally owned and not a chain. And they have approximately 250 author signings a year. 250! They had an entire bookshelf (along with a couple other spots) devoted just to signed stock. It was heaven, except for the fact that I already owned most of the books that I would read that were signed. Recent authors that had signed stock in the store included Rachel Hawkins, Meg Cabot, Sophie Littlefield, Heather Brewer (Christen, my girlfriend was so pissed that she missed it! Heather is one of her faves!), and Sarwat Chadda. And these were just the Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Young Adult authors. So I picked up a signed copy of Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda. I forced myself to only get book one, just in case I didn't like it and because I didn't want to splurge too much.
We also got trapped in the only Borders left in Memphis. It's not as bad as it sounds. There was a really bad storm in the area at the time, but it didn't look too bad where we were staying. I had a 50% off coupon and wanted a latte, so we decided to drive to Borders. It looked like we missed the storm completely, but in reality we just beat it there. When we went to pay, we were told we weren't allowed because they wanted everyone in the back of the store and away from the windows (the registers were right next to the door). Everyone was freaking out because the rain was really coming down, and the sky/clouds had turned slightly green. This is often what it looks like when there are tornadoes, and the employees were worried the midwest has had sooo many tornadoes these past couple months (we actually passed an entire neighborhood completely flattened by the tornadoes while driving through Alabama... it was devastating). But I've lived in the Orlando area since I was six, so tornadoes, while scary, are nothing new to me. It only took about ten minutes for the storm to clear enough for us to pay and leave (we got coffee while we were waiting), but it was just weird to be trapped in the bookstore because it was like a dream come true. Lol.
Anyway, there's going to be another vacation post later on in the week, once I upload my zoo pictures because I figure everyone loves pandas! And don't forget to enter my two giveaways! They end on Tuesday and Wednesday (links at the top)!
We also got trapped in the only Borders left in Memphis. It's not as bad as it sounds. There was a really bad storm in the area at the time, but it didn't look too bad where we were staying. I had a 50% off coupon and wanted a latte, so we decided to drive to Borders. It looked like we missed the storm completely, but in reality we just beat it there. When we went to pay, we were told we weren't allowed because they wanted everyone in the back of the store and away from the windows (the registers were right next to the door). Everyone was freaking out because the rain was really coming down, and the sky/clouds had turned slightly green. This is often what it looks like when there are tornadoes, and the employees were worried the midwest has had sooo many tornadoes these past couple months (we actually passed an entire neighborhood completely flattened by the tornadoes while driving through Alabama... it was devastating). But I've lived in the Orlando area since I was six, so tornadoes, while scary, are nothing new to me. It only took about ten minutes for the storm to clear enough for us to pay and leave (we got coffee while we were waiting), but it was just weird to be trapped in the bookstore because it was like a dream come true. Lol.
Anyway, there's going to be another vacation post later on in the week, once I upload my zoo pictures because I figure everyone loves pandas! And don't forget to enter my two giveaways! They end on Tuesday and Wednesday (links at the top)!
Review: Mercy by Rebecca Lim

Author: Rebecca Lim
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult
Release Date: 05/17/11
Buy the Book:
A fallen angel haunted by her past. Yearning for her immortal beloved. Forever searching for answers.Who will show her Mercy?
Mercy has lost herself. She can’t count how many times she’s “woken up” in a new body, and assumed a new life, only to move on again and again. During the day she survives in the human world on instinct and at night her dreams are haunted by him. Mercy’s heart would know him anywhere. But her memory refuses to cooperate.
But this time is different. When Mercy wakes up she meets Ryan, an eighteen year old reeling from the loss of his twin sister who was kidnapped two years ago. Everyone else has given up hope, but Ryan believes his sister is still alive. Using a power she doesn’t fully comprehend, Mercy realizes that Ryan is right. His sister is alive and together they can find her. For the first time since she can remember, Mercy has a purpose; she can help. So she doesn’t understand why the man in her dreams cautions her not to interfere. But as Ryan and Mercy come closer to solving the dark mystery of his sister’s disappearance, danger looms just one step behind.
Will Mercy be able to harness her true self and extraordinary power in time?
The first in a dazzling new series, Mercy masterfully weaves romance, mystery and the supernatural into a spell-binding tale.
Plot: 4 Stars
This novel was a great blend of mystery and the paranormal. It was slightly reminiscent of The Body Finder and Dirty Little Secret in the mystery aspect, but with a different paranormal twist. The first chapter grabbed my attention immediately. I wanted to know what was going on as much as Mercy, being thrown into a new body and a new life. It was very interesting to follow along as Mercy tried to blend in and carry on in the life she had been thrown into, without acting out of character and throwing up red flags to those around her. Throw in a visitor in her dreams and a local mystery that needs solving, and the events of the novel were non-stop. My one tiny criticism was that I wouldn't have known Mercy was a fallen angel for sure if it hadn't been included in the blurb on the back cover (and the wings on the cover). I feel like there wasn't quite enough about Mercy explained throughout the novel.
Pace: 5 Stars
Although this novel was slightly on the shorter side for the average Paranormal Young Adult, it was a very satisfying length for the given story. It was a very quick read, but not rushed in any way. Although there were two main plotlines (Mercy fitting in to her new life and the mystery of finding Ryan's sister), they flowed together very well. Neither plotline stole the spotlight away from the other. This novel was an example of the perfect pace for a novel.
Characters: 4 Stars
Mercy was a very strong character, with a very mysterious past. A mysterious past that I hope is delved into deeper in future novels. I feel like this novel barely scratched the surface of who Mercy is, and I really want to know more about her. Normally this would be a pretty big dealbreaker for me, but it was only her history that was lacking. We definitely learned a lot about her personality as she fit herself into the life she was thrown into. Ryan was a very likeable character. Although he was a bit erratic at times, but he was very passionate about finding his sister. Some of the other girls in the group with Mercy were very catty, but it was interesting to see how Mercy dealt with them. I really liked how there was just enough foreshadowing to make the reader think they may know who the bad guy was, but not too much to give it away. I thought I knew who the culprit was, but was pleasantly surprised at the end to find out I was wrong.
Cover: 5 Stars
This cover is great because you don't realize how cool it is until you've stared at it for a while. At first glance, it's a great cover involving a brooding cover model standing on some rocks. After you really take it in, you realize there are wings sprouting out of the cover model's back that are more visibly from some angles than others. And then, when you run your hand over the cover, you feel that the semi-invisible wings are in relief and add a nice texture to the cover. Although the copy of this novel I read was an ARC, I have since seen a finished copy in the bookstore, and the wings are even sneakier. I actually had to pick the book up and feel the cover, because at first glance I thought the wings had been left off. Luckily, they're still there. Wings aside, I liked the cover model, although she seemed a bit tall for the body Mercy was inhabiting. I loved the color of her clothes, and how the title that wasn't over the model matched, but the title that did cross her body was inverted like a negative.
Overall: 4.5 Stars
Disclosure: I received an ARC of this novel from the publisher through Authors on the Web.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
In My Mailbox (86)
Thanks to Kristi at The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week.
So, I'm back from Memphis. :) The trip was fun (minus the 14.5 hour drive each way with five people smashed into my mom's Jeep). But I'll have a separate post about my vacation up in the next couple days. This IMM post is for the past two weeks, since I was gone last weekend. We contacted the post office to hold our mail until we were back, but that was completely disregarded. Apparently, they held my mom's because she actually did it, but kept delivering the rest (even though it told us there was already a hold when we tried to do the rest)... I'm just glad the weather was good while we were gone or they would've complaints from me about wet books... Because of this, I think there's a couple books that are floating around but we'll figure it out on Monday. I also borrowed a few audiobooks from the library for the trip (since I get carsick if I read), but I didn't include them in this post because they were all books I already own. I will be including them in a future post about audiobooks because it was an eye-opening experience. Anyway, on to the mailbox!
Random Acts of Kindness:
Dark Heart Forever by Lee Monroe [Buy now]
(Thanks to Lesley @ My Keeper Shelf! This book isn't pictured because I'm saving it for my RAK post.)

Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda (signed!) [Buy now]
The Magnolia League by Katie Crouch [Buy now]
Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton [Buy now]
Tiger Eye by Majorie M. Liu [Buy now]
Graveminder by Melissa Marr [Buy now]
Prom Nights from Hell anthology (bargain!) [Buy now]

King Maker by Maurice Broaddus [Buy now]
Ghost Huntress: The Awakening by Marley Gibson [Buy now]
Ghost Huntress: The Guidance by Marley Gibson [Buy now]
Ghost Huntress: The Reason by Marley Gibson [Buy now]
Almost Final Curtain by Tate Hallaway [Buy now]
Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler (read&returned) [Buy now]
Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell [Buy now]
Vampire Crush by A.M. Robinson [Buy now]
Wolfbreed by S.A. Swann [Buy now]
Wolf's Cross by S.A. Swann [Buy now]
Welcome to Bordertown anthology [Buy now]
So, I'm back from Memphis. :) The trip was fun (minus the 14.5 hour drive each way with five people smashed into my mom's Jeep). But I'll have a separate post about my vacation up in the next couple days. This IMM post is for the past two weeks, since I was gone last weekend. We contacted the post office to hold our mail until we were back, but that was completely disregarded. Apparently, they held my mom's because she actually did it, but kept delivering the rest (even though it told us there was already a hold when we tried to do the rest)... I'm just glad the weather was good while we were gone or they would've complaints from me about wet books... Because of this, I think there's a couple books that are floating around but we'll figure it out on Monday. I also borrowed a few audiobooks from the library for the trip (since I get carsick if I read), but I didn't include them in this post because they were all books I already own. I will be including them in a future post about audiobooks because it was an eye-opening experience. Anyway, on to the mailbox!
Random Acts of Kindness:
Dark Heart Forever by Lee Monroe [Buy now]
(Thanks to Lesley @ My Keeper Shelf! This book isn't pictured because I'm saving it for my RAK post.)
Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda (signed!) [Buy now]
The Magnolia League by Katie Crouch [Buy now]
Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton [Buy now]
Tiger Eye by Majorie M. Liu [Buy now]
Graveminder by Melissa Marr [Buy now]
Prom Nights from Hell anthology (bargain!) [Buy now]
King Maker by Maurice Broaddus [Buy now]
Ghost Huntress: The Awakening by Marley Gibson [Buy now]
Ghost Huntress: The Guidance by Marley Gibson [Buy now]
Ghost Huntress: The Reason by Marley Gibson [Buy now]
Almost Final Curtain by Tate Hallaway [Buy now]
Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler (read&returned) [Buy now]
Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell [Buy now]
Vampire Crush by A.M. Robinson [Buy now]
Wolfbreed by S.A. Swann [Buy now]
Wolf's Cross by S.A. Swann [Buy now]
Welcome to Bordertown anthology [Buy now]
Friday, May 20, 2011
Update: Vacation
Tomorrow, we're leaving for Memphis to visit family. I'm not looking forward to being stuck in my mom's Jeep with four other people for 14 hours, but I'm really excited to go to the zoo. They have PANDAS! I'll definitely have pictures to share.
I do not know what the internet situation is going to be, but I'm assuming that I will be without wireless because we're staying with my aunt who lives in a town that has a population in the double digits. I'm bring a huge pile of books with me (mostly because I can never decide what to read beforehand), and a bunch of audiobooks for the drive (reading in the car makes me sick), but I won't know if I'll be doing much posting until tomorrow night. We'll be gone for about a week, so IMM will resume a week from Sunday.
While I'm gone, you should all enter my giveaways! The links are at the top of the page. I have two copies of Mercy by Rebecca Lim, five copies of Dark Descendant by Jenna Black, and five copies of Dead on the Delta by Stacey Jay up for grabs.
I do not know what the internet situation is going to be, but I'm assuming that I will be without wireless because we're staying with my aunt who lives in a town that has a population in the double digits. I'm bring a huge pile of books with me (mostly because I can never decide what to read beforehand), and a bunch of audiobooks for the drive (reading in the car makes me sick), but I won't know if I'll be doing much posting until tomorrow night. We'll be gone for about a week, so IMM will resume a week from Sunday.
While I'm gone, you should all enter my giveaways! The links are at the top of the page. I have two copies of Mercy by Rebecca Lim, five copies of Dark Descendant by Jenna Black, and five copies of Dead on the Delta by Stacey Jay up for grabs.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Review: Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Author: Lauren Oliver
Genre: Dystopian Young Adult
Release Date: 02/01/11
Buy the Book:
Before scientists found the cure, people thought love was a good thing. They didn't understand that once love -- the deliria -- blooms in your blood, there is no escaping its hold.
Things are different now. Scientists are able to eradicate love, and the government demands that all citizens receive the cure upon turning eighteen. Lena Haloway has always looked forward to the day when she'll be cured. A life without love is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable, and happy.
But with ninety-five days left until her treatment, Lena does the unthinkable: she falls in love.
Plot: 2 Stars
I wanted to love the idea of love being a disease. It seemed very fresh and interesting and exciting. But unfortunately, this novel lacked a lot of information about a very key element: the deliria. Most of the information given about the deliria is in bits and pieces taken from different documents. The actual disease is barely talked about as more than an idea. If it wasn't for the bits and pieces at the beginning of every chapter, I wouldn't know anything about the deliria. There was also a point in the novel in which the idea of homosexual relationships was brought up as a sort of special case, but it was never elaborated on. In a world that fears love, I think that fear should be of all love. But the idea of homosexuality was brushed under the rug, almost like the author was afraid to talk about it. I did enjoy the bits and pieces I learned about the Invalids and the Wilds because I love to root for the rebels.
Pace: 1 Stars
This was one of the slowest novels I've ever read. I could not believe that it took over one hundred pages to meet the love interest, Alex. But it wasn't just that it took so long for Lena to meet him, it was that nothing much really happened before she met him. This novel struggled in the smaller scenes between the larger, more important scenes. They were mostly spent inside Lena's head, thinking way too much about the upcoming cure. And don't even get me started on the ending. I won't spoil anything, but after investing over four hundred pages in this novel, the ending made me want to throw the book into the wall. I could not believe that was how it ended. Then I found out today that this was book one in a planned trilogy, and now I'm totally confused about where the story could possibly go.
Characters: 1.5 Stars
Lena was very wishy-washy throughout the entire novel. She see-sawed between thinking the world was good, and maybe the world wasn't as good as everyone thought. She also acted very contradictory throughout the novel. She'd often worry about saying the right thing or acting a certain way, but then she'd sneak out to see Alex all the time without a second thought. Alex, being an Invalid from the Wilds, didn't really do much to make Lena see the world in a new light. She may have been less wishy-washy if he had told her a bit more about what the Invalid and what they did. Instead, they mostly just talked about themselves and started a tentative relationship. Lena's best friend was probably my favorite character. She actually rebelled, as compared to the sorta rebelling that Lena did. She went to the parties and downloaded the illegal music. But as Lena and Alex grew closer, she grew further apart from her best friend. They were always told that they would forget about each other after they received the cure, but that's no reason to shut each other out beforehand.
Cover: 2 Stars
My biggest problem is that this cover doesn't tell you anything about the novel, and it doesn't catch the eye. The face hiding behind the text is chopped up in an awkward way that involves a second look in order to understand what the image actually is. The choice of light blue to be the rest of the cover does fit the feel of the novel in a way, but it's a way that was never explained in depth in the novel. My biggest problem is with the actual book itself. Normally, I love to take off a hardcover book's dust jacket to see what color the actual cover and text on the spine are. Instead, I was surprised (and not in a good way) by the cover having a picture of the cover model sans the overlaid title on both sides of the cover. It was really strange, something I had never come across before, and I didn't really enjoy it. I realize it's not that much different than a paperback book with a large photo of the cover model, but this was really weird.
Overall: 1.5 Stars
Disclosure: I bought this novel for my own reading pleasure.
Giveaway: Dark Descendant & Dead on the Delta

Author: Jenna Black
ISBN: 9781451606799
On Sale Now!
From the acclaimed author of the Morgan Kingsley, Exorcist books comes the gripping first novel in a new series about a private eye who discovers, to her surprise, that she's an immortal huntress.
Nikki Glass can track down any man. But when her latest client turns out to be a true descendant of Hades, Nikki now discovers she can't die... Crazy as it sounds, Nikki's manhunting skills are literally god-given. She's a living, breathing descendant of Artemis who has stepped right into a trap set by the children of the gods. Nikki's new "friends" include a descendant of Eros, who uses sex as a weapon; a descendant of Loki, whose tricks are no laughing matter; and a half-mad descendant of Kali who thinks she's a spy. But most powerful of all are the Olympians, a rival clan of immortals seeking to destroy all Descendants who refuse to bow down to them. In the eternal battle of good god/bad god, Nikki would make a divine weapon. But if they think she'll surrender without a fight, the gods must be crazy...
Click here to Browse Inside and pre-order your copy today!
For more our Urban Fantasy Authors visit

Author: Stacey Jay
ISBN: 9781439189863
On Sale: 5/31/11
Once upon a time, fairies were the stuff of bedtime stories and sweet dreams. Then came the mutations, and the dreams became nightmares. Mosquito-size fairies now indulge their taste for human blood—and for most humans, a fairy bite means insanity or death. Luckily, Annabelle Lee isn’t most humans. The hard-drinking, smart-mouthed, bicycle-riding redhead is immune to fairy venom, and able to do the dirty work most humans can’t. Including helping law enforcement -- and Cane Cooper, the bayou’s sexiest detective -- collect evidence when a body is discovered outside the fairy-proof barricades of her Louisiana town.
But Annabelle isn’t equipped to deal with the murder of a six-year-old girl or a former lover-turned-FBI snob taking an interest in the case. Suddenly her already bumpy relationship with Cane turns even rockier, and even the most trust-worthy friends become suspects. Annabelle’s life is imploding: between relationship drama, a heartbreaking murder investigation, Breeze-crazed drug runners, and a few too many rum and Cokes, Annabelle is a woman on the run—from her past, toward her future, and into the arms of a darkness waiting just for her...
"A sultry start to a promising new series. Dead on the Delta sizzles with action, danger, and romance." -- Jennifer Estep, USA Today bestselling author of the Elemental Assassin series
Click here to pre-order your copy today!
For more our Urban Fantasy Authors visit
Thanks to Pocket Books, I have 5 copies of each novel, Dark Descendant by Jenna Black and Dead on the Delta by Stacey Jay, to giveaway! To be entered, just leave a comment stating which novel you would like to win!
Giveaway Rules:
Must include a valid e-mail address.
Open to US only. No P.O. Boxes.
Giveaway ends June 1st.
Winners will be chosen via
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Guest Blog + Giveaway: Rebecca Lim
First off, I'd like to thank Rebecca Lim for dropping by to chat a bit about getting published. I had the opportunity to review her novel, Mercy, and really enjoyed it. Look for my review coming soon.
I’d always wanted to be a writer – from about the time I was seven – but like a lot of people, I had no idea where to start.
School is great for telling you exactly what you have to do to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist, engineer etc., but it can only offer general pointers to people who want to be writers, video artists, baristas and other slightly left-field things.
When I was 17, it seemed possible to combine a career as a lawyer with a career as a writer. But I ended up in the kind of law firm where you risk having your car towed away at 6am because you’ve left it out on the street in front of the office all night. The novels I was writing in those days were falling short of the mark. My creative brain and legal brain were pulling in different directions, so I gave myself a couple of years off law to try and make a go of it, and I’m happy to say that I haven’t gone back (yet!).
I was lucky enough to have a four book series of humorous detective stories for middle readers picked up by an Australian publisher. And that was the start of it. It’s weird, but it feels as if you can’t get published unless you’ve been published before, or have a really pushy agent, so that first break seems so crucial.
What I’ve learnt so far about becoming a published author can be distilled down into a handful of things:
1. Be prepared to work hard and swallow rejection as if it has the power to do you good. Even after a famous literary agent gets his “summer temp receptionist” to email you to tell you that the agent can’t muster sufficient enthusiasm to even read your proposal, you just have to pick yourself up off the floor, stop wailing “Why me?” and just keep going.
2. Read everything you can get your hands on. Read without fear or favour. What I mean by that is, don’t be a book snob who only “does” one type of book. I know plenty of adults who only read “literature”, and boy, are they missing out. You get the best out of reading, and writing, if you remain open minded. The stuff people do to each other in the real world is pretty staggering. There are lots of story ideas swirling around out in the real world every single day. Don’t just read the critically acclaimed books and commercial successes. There is no formula, which leads me to my next point.
3. Write as differently as you can. Just be you. If you want your work to last the distance and not be dismissed as a clone of someone else’s work, just do the best stuff you, and you alone, are capable of.
4. Be prepared to take criticism – whether from a potential publisher, your editors, or the public. The act of reading is a very personal thing and the flipside of creating any kind of art is opening yourself up to a dialogue with your audience. Most editors and publishers are actually there to help you. Most readers want to be treated as sophisticated, intelligent and engaged people who are willing to be challenged. There will always be a small minority of readers who intensely dislike a challenge and who will always read with blinkers on. If your book is savaged by someone because it doesn’t accord exactly with that person’s world view / politics / religious beliefs / prejudices, get past it, move on and keep working.
It always boils down to the work. If you care about being the best writer you can be and doing the best work you can, you will draw a readership. And always remember that it’s a privilege for a writer to be given the chance to connect with people and tell them a story that (hopefully) might move them, or make them think, or make them want to read just one more chapter before they turn out the light.
Now for the giveaway! Thanks to Authors On The Web, I have two copies of Mercy by Rebecca Lim to giveaway. To enter, just leave a comment with a valid e-mail address.
Giveaway Rules:
Open to US/Canada.
Must leave valid e-mail address.
Will run through Tuesday May 31st at midnight.
Winners will be chosen with on June 1st.
Title: Mercy
Author: Rebecca Lim
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult
Release Date: 05/17/11 (today!)
But the Book:

I’d always wanted to be a writer – from about the time I was seven – but like a lot of people, I had no idea where to start.
School is great for telling you exactly what you have to do to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist, engineer etc., but it can only offer general pointers to people who want to be writers, video artists, baristas and other slightly left-field things.
When I was 17, it seemed possible to combine a career as a lawyer with a career as a writer. But I ended up in the kind of law firm where you risk having your car towed away at 6am because you’ve left it out on the street in front of the office all night. The novels I was writing in those days were falling short of the mark. My creative brain and legal brain were pulling in different directions, so I gave myself a couple of years off law to try and make a go of it, and I’m happy to say that I haven’t gone back (yet!).
I was lucky enough to have a four book series of humorous detective stories for middle readers picked up by an Australian publisher. And that was the start of it. It’s weird, but it feels as if you can’t get published unless you’ve been published before, or have a really pushy agent, so that first break seems so crucial.
What I’ve learnt so far about becoming a published author can be distilled down into a handful of things:
1. Be prepared to work hard and swallow rejection as if it has the power to do you good. Even after a famous literary agent gets his “summer temp receptionist” to email you to tell you that the agent can’t muster sufficient enthusiasm to even read your proposal, you just have to pick yourself up off the floor, stop wailing “Why me?” and just keep going.
2. Read everything you can get your hands on. Read without fear or favour. What I mean by that is, don’t be a book snob who only “does” one type of book. I know plenty of adults who only read “literature”, and boy, are they missing out. You get the best out of reading, and writing, if you remain open minded. The stuff people do to each other in the real world is pretty staggering. There are lots of story ideas swirling around out in the real world every single day. Don’t just read the critically acclaimed books and commercial successes. There is no formula, which leads me to my next point.
3. Write as differently as you can. Just be you. If you want your work to last the distance and not be dismissed as a clone of someone else’s work, just do the best stuff you, and you alone, are capable of.
4. Be prepared to take criticism – whether from a potential publisher, your editors, or the public. The act of reading is a very personal thing and the flipside of creating any kind of art is opening yourself up to a dialogue with your audience. Most editors and publishers are actually there to help you. Most readers want to be treated as sophisticated, intelligent and engaged people who are willing to be challenged. There will always be a small minority of readers who intensely dislike a challenge and who will always read with blinkers on. If your book is savaged by someone because it doesn’t accord exactly with that person’s world view / politics / religious beliefs / prejudices, get past it, move on and keep working.
It always boils down to the work. If you care about being the best writer you can be and doing the best work you can, you will draw a readership. And always remember that it’s a privilege for a writer to be given the chance to connect with people and tell them a story that (hopefully) might move them, or make them think, or make them want to read just one more chapter before they turn out the light.
Now for the giveaway! Thanks to Authors On The Web, I have two copies of Mercy by Rebecca Lim to giveaway. To enter, just leave a comment with a valid e-mail address.
Giveaway Rules:
Open to US/Canada.
Must leave valid e-mail address.
Will run through Tuesday May 31st at midnight.
Winners will be chosen with on June 1st.

Author: Rebecca Lim
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult
Release Date: 05/17/11 (today!)
But the Book:
A fallen angel haunted by her past. Yearning for her immortal beloved. Forever searching for answers.Who will show her Mercy?
Mercy has lost herself. She can’t count how many times she’s “woken up” in a new body, and assumed a new life, only to move on again and again. During the day she survives in the human world on instinct and at night her dreams are haunted by him. Mercy’s heart would know him anywhere. But her memory refuses to cooperate.
But this time is different. When Mercy wakes up she meets Ryan, an eighteen year old reeling from the loss of his twin sister who was kidnapped two years ago. Everyone else has given up hope, but Ryan believes his sister is still alive. Using a power she doesn’t fully comprehend, Mercy realizes that Ryan is right. His sister is alive and together they can find her. For the first time since she can remember, Mercy has a purpose; she can help. So she doesn’t understand why the man in her dreams cautions her not to interfere. But as Ryan and Mercy come closer to solving the dark mystery of his sister’s disappearance, danger looms just one step behind.
Will Mercy be able to harness her true self and extraordinary power in time?
The first in a dazzling new series, Mercy masterfully weaves romance, mystery and the supernatural into a spell-binding tale.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Review: Hounded by Kevin Hearne

Author: Kevin Hearne
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Release Date: 05/03/11
Buy the Book:
The first novel in an original, back-to-back three-book series The Iron Druid Chronicles—introducing a cool, new, funny urban fantasy hero.
Atticus O’Sullivan, last of the Druids, lives peacefully in Arizona, running an occult bookshop and shape-shifting in his spare time to hunt with his Irish wolfhound. His neighbors and customers think that this handsome, tattooed Irish dude is about twenty-one years old -- when in actuality, he’s twenty-one centuries old. Not to mention: He draws his power from the earth, possesses a sharp wit, and wields an even sharper magical sword known as Fragarach, the Answerer.
Unfortunately, a very angry Celtic god wants that sword, and he’s hounded Atticus for centuries. Now the determined deity has tracked him down, and Atticus will need all his power -- plus the help of a seductive goddess of death, his vampire and werewolf team of attorneys, a sexy bartender possessed by a Hindu witch, and some good old-fashioned luck of the Irish -- to kick some Celtic arse and deliver himself from evil.
Plot: 5 Stars
Normally, male main characters within the Urban Fantasy genre fall a bit short for me in comparison to many of their female counterparts, but Hounded is by far the best Urban Fantasy with a male lead that I've ever read. And it's definitely my favorite read so far this year. This novel was refreshing in it's use of gods and goddesses (and Druids, of course) that don't normally make appearances in Urban Fantasy, while still blending in the normal paranormal creatures like werewolves and vampires. And there was a perfect balance of humor between the action scenes. Some of my favorite scenes were flashbacks in which Atticus' history unfolded and I learned more about what it meant to be a Druid. Everyone that loves Urban Fantasy needs to go out and get a copy right now!
Pace: 5 Stars
When I picked this novel up from the post office, I put down whatever I was reading at the time, and immediately jumped right in. I had been waiting in anticipation for this novel since last year, and it definitely didn't disappoint. I gobbled it up in just a few days, and can't wait for the next installment. Even though they're being released in three consecutive months, the waiting is killing me. I need the next one right now! There was never a dull moment while reading Hounded. Whether Atticus was out for a run with Oberon, working at the bookstore, or fighting against the bad guys, the pace never let up.
Characters: 5 Stars
Although I absolutely loved Atticus, Oberon, his talking dog, really stole the spotlight. From his random obsession with Ghandi to his lusting for a harem of French poodles, Oberon made me laugh on a number of occasions. The author did a great job of making Oberon able to converse with Atticus, without seeming too human. He still looked at the world like a normal dog would, and had all of the instincts. I loved all of the information about Druids weaved into the novel. There was never a moment in which I felt like the author was dumping details about Atticus' heritage or history, which made learning about him that much more interesting. The Morrigan is one of those characters I hope to see more of in future novels because she's a wild card, completely unpredictable. Atticus' Irish neighbor, Ms. MacDonaugh, brought along her own share of giggles too, especially when she said, "A friend will help ye move...but a really good friend will help ye move a body."
Cover: 5 Stars
I'm not gonna lie, my first thought upon seeing this cover was, "I wanna hit that." The cover model is one hot dude, definitely my type. My personal preference aside, I also think he was perfect to depict Atticus. This cover has a simplicity that works really well, while showcasing two important objects: Atticus' necklace and sword. I always enjoy when important details to the story are included in the cover. It makes the cover extra special. My favorite part of this cover (besides the model) is that the title and the series details below it are in relief. I love it when I can run my hand over a cover and feel different elements. I also really like the font choice for the title. It has a spray paint/grafiti feel that fits the novel. I just wish Oberon could've made an appearance on the cover somehow, although it would have become too crowded. I also love that the next two covers work so well with this first one, while still standing on their own through the use of color.

Overall: 5 Stars
Disclosure: I won a copy of this novel in a giveaway at The Spinecracker.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
In My Mailbox (85)
Thanks to Kristi at The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week.
Just want to let everyone know that I will not be posting an In My Mailbox next weekend because we'll be in Tennessee visiting family. I will be back with more books to report on the week after, although it may be a bit late depending on when we get back. Also, although they haven't arrived yet, I should be receiving a second copy of Illusions and Divergent that will be a part of the giveaway I am putting together to celebrate reaching 350 followers, so be on the lookout.

Mercy by Rebecca Lim ARC [Buy now]
Illusions by Aprilynne Pike [Buy now]
Divergent by Veronica Roth [Buy now]
(Thanks to Authors on the Web!)
Bite Club by Rachel Caine [Buy now]
(Thanks to RK Charron!)
Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison (signed!) [Buy now]
(Thanks to Thea Harrison via Twitter!)

Never Again by Michele Bardsley [Buy now]
Chosen by Blood by Virna DePaul [Buy now]
Hard Bitten by Chloe Neill [Buy now]
Free reads:
The Strange Case of Finley Jane by Kady Cross (not pictured)
Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop [Buy now]

Last Wolf Standing by Rhyannon Bryd [Buy now]
Last Wolf Hunting by Rhyannon Bryd [Buy now]
Among Theives by Douglas Hulick [Buy now]
The Dream-Hunter by Sherrilyn Kenyon [Buy now]
Taken by Lilith Saintcrow [Buy now]
Just want to let everyone know that I will not be posting an In My Mailbox next weekend because we'll be in Tennessee visiting family. I will be back with more books to report on the week after, although it may be a bit late depending on when we get back. Also, although they haven't arrived yet, I should be receiving a second copy of Illusions and Divergent that will be a part of the giveaway I am putting together to celebrate reaching 350 followers, so be on the lookout.
Mercy by Rebecca Lim ARC [Buy now]
Illusions by Aprilynne Pike [Buy now]
Divergent by Veronica Roth [Buy now]
(Thanks to Authors on the Web!)
Bite Club by Rachel Caine [Buy now]
(Thanks to RK Charron!)
Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison (signed!) [Buy now]
(Thanks to Thea Harrison via Twitter!)
Never Again by Michele Bardsley [Buy now]
Chosen by Blood by Virna DePaul [Buy now]
Hard Bitten by Chloe Neill [Buy now]
Free reads:
The Strange Case of Finley Jane by Kady Cross (not pictured)
Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop [Buy now]
Last Wolf Standing by Rhyannon Bryd [Buy now]
Last Wolf Hunting by Rhyannon Bryd [Buy now]
Among Theives by Douglas Hulick [Buy now]
The Dream-Hunter by Sherrilyn Kenyon [Buy now]
Taken by Lilith Saintcrow [Buy now]
Great Deals (May 14th)
I was browsing the Book Depository today and found some great deals on some recent releases. Will be ordering a couple once I get paid.
Young Adult:
Title: Starcrossed
Author: Josephine Angelini
Price: $13.49 (25% off)
Release Date: 05/31/11
But the Book:

Title: The Girl in the Steel Corset
Author: Kady Cross
Price: $13.49 (25% off)
Release Date: 05/24/11
But the Book:

Title: Tempest Rising
Author: Tracy Deebs
Price: $9.99 (41% off)
Release Date: available
But the Book:

Title: Something Deadly This Way Comes
Author: Kim Harrison
Price: $12.74 (25% off)
Release Date: 05/24/11
But the Book:

Title: Hourglass
Author: Myra McEntire
Price: $13.49 (25% off)
Release Date: 05/24/11
But the Book:

Title: Die For Me
Author: Amy Plum
Price: $10.49 (41% off)
Release Date: available
But the Book:

Title: Divergent
Author: Veronica Roth
Price: $10.60 (41% off)
Release Date: available
But the Book:

Urban Fantasy:
Title: Witches of East End
Author: Melissa de la Cruz
Price: $17.99 (25% off)
Release Date: 06/21/11
But the Book:

Title: Graveminder
Author: Melissa Marr
Price: $12.92 (43% off)
Release Date: 05/17/11
But the Book:

Title: Welcome to Bordertown (anthology)
Editor: Holly Black & Ellen Kushner
Price: $17.24 (25% off)
Release Date: 05/24/11
But the Book:

Paranormal Romance:
Title: Blood Law
Author: Karin Tabke
Price: $9.99 (33% off)
Release Date: available
But the Book:

Young Adult:

Author: Josephine Angelini
Price: $13.49 (25% off)
Release Date: 05/31/11
But the Book:

Author: Kady Cross
Price: $13.49 (25% off)
Release Date: 05/24/11
But the Book:

Author: Tracy Deebs
Price: $9.99 (41% off)
Release Date: available
But the Book:

Author: Kim Harrison
Price: $12.74 (25% off)
Release Date: 05/24/11
But the Book:

Author: Myra McEntire
Price: $13.49 (25% off)
Release Date: 05/24/11
But the Book:

Author: Amy Plum
Price: $10.49 (41% off)
Release Date: available
But the Book:

Author: Veronica Roth
Price: $10.60 (41% off)
Release Date: available
But the Book:
Urban Fantasy:

Author: Melissa de la Cruz
Price: $17.99 (25% off)
Release Date: 06/21/11
But the Book:

Author: Melissa Marr
Price: $12.92 (43% off)
Release Date: 05/17/11
But the Book:

Editor: Holly Black & Ellen Kushner
Price: $17.24 (25% off)
Release Date: 05/24/11
But the Book:
Paranormal Romance:

Author: Karin Tabke
Price: $9.99 (33% off)
Release Date: available
But the Book:
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